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Expression Compiler Module


This module contains functions that convert an expression in infix notation to an executable python function.

expr_to_executable_function(expr, symbol_library=SymbolLibrary.default_symbols())

Converts an expression in infix notation to an executable function.


>>> executable_fun = expr_to_executable_function(["A", "+", "1"])
>>> executable_fun(np.array([[1], [2], [3], [4]]), np.array([]))
array([2, 3, 4, 5])


Name Type Description Default

The expression in infix notation.


The symbol library to use. Defaults to SymbolLibrary.default_symbols().



Type Description

An executable function that takes in a 2D array of input values and a 1D array of constant values and returns the output of the expression.

Source code in SRToolkit/utils/
def expr_to_executable_function(expr: List[str], symbol_library: SymbolLibrary=SymbolLibrary.default_symbols()) -> callable:
    Converts an expression in infix notation to an executable function.

        >>> executable_fun = expr_to_executable_function(["A", "+", "1"])
        >>> executable_fun(np.array([[1], [2], [3], [4]]), np.array([]))
        array([2, 3, 4, 5])

        expr : The expression in infix notation.
        symbol_library : The symbol library to use. Defaults to SymbolLibrary.default_symbols().

        An executable function that takes in a 2D array of input values and a 1D array of constant values and returns the output of the expression.
    tree = tokens_to_tree(expr, symbol_library)
    code, symbol, var_counter, const_counter = tree_to_function_rec(tree, symbol_library)

    fun_string = "def _executable_expression_(X, C):\n"
    for c in code:
        fun_string += "\t" + c + "\n"
    fun_string += "\treturn " + symbol

    return locals()["_executable_expression_"]

expr_to_error_function(expr, symbol_library=SymbolLibrary.default_symbols())

Converts an expression in infix notation to an executable function that returns the root mean squared error between the output of the expression and the target values.


>>> executable_fun = expr_to_error_function(["X_0", "+", "1"])
>>> executable_fun(np.array([[1], [2], [3], [4]]), np.array([]), np.array([2, 3, 4, 5]))


Name Type Description Default

The expression in infix notation.


The symbol library to use. Defaults to SymbolLibrary.default_symbols().



Type Description

An executable function that takes in a 2D array of input values X, a 1D array of constant values C, and a 1D array of target values y. It returns the root mean squared error between the output of the expression and the target values.

Source code in SRToolkit/utils/
def expr_to_error_function(expr: List[str], symbol_library: SymbolLibrary=SymbolLibrary.default_symbols()) -> callable:
    Converts an expression in infix notation to an executable function that returns the root mean squared error between
    the output of the expression and the target values.

        >>> executable_fun = expr_to_error_function(["X_0", "+", "1"])
        >>> executable_fun(np.array([[1], [2], [3], [4]]), np.array([]), np.array([2, 3, 4, 5]))

        expr : The expression in infix notation.
        symbol_library : The symbol library to use. Defaults to SymbolLibrary.default_symbols().

        An executable function that takes in a 2D array of input values `X`, a 1D array of constant values `C`, and a 1D array of target values `y`. It returns the root mean squared error between the output of the expression and the target values.
    tree = tokens_to_tree(expr, symbol_library)
    code, symbol, var_counter, const_counter = tree_to_function_rec(tree, symbol_library)

    fun_string = "def _executable_expression_(X, C, y):\n"
    for c in code:
        fun_string += "\t" + c + "\n"
    fun_string += f"\treturn np.sqrt(np.mean(({symbol}-y)**2))"

    return locals()["_executable_expression_"]

tree_to_function_rec(tree, symbol_library, var_counter=0, const_counter=0)

Recursively converts a parse tree into a string of Python code that can be executed to evaluate the expression represented by the tree.


Name Type Description Default
tree Node

The root of the parse tree to convert.

symbol_library SymbolLibrary

The symbol library to use when converting the tree. This library defines the properties of the symbols in the tree.

var_counter int

The number of variables encountered so far. This is used to create a unique variable name for each variable.

const_counter int

The number of constants encountered so far. This is used to select the correct constant value from the constant array.



Type Description

A list of strings, where each string contains a line of Python code to execute to evaluate the expression represented by the tree.


The name of the variable that represents the output of the expression.


The updated value of var_counter.


The updated value of const_counter.


Type Description

If the parse tree contains an invalid symbol.


This function is a helper function for expr_to_executable_function and similar and should not be called directly unless you want to customize the way the expression is defined. For examples, see the code of expr_to_executable_function and expr_to_error_function in this module.

Source code in SRToolkit/utils/
def tree_to_function_rec(tree: Node, symbol_library: SymbolLibrary, var_counter: int=0, const_counter: int=0) -> Tuple[List[str], str, int, int]:
    Recursively converts a parse tree into a string of Python code that can be executed to evaluate the expression
    represented by the tree.

        tree: The root of the parse tree to convert.
        symbol_library: The symbol library to use when converting the tree. This library defines the properties of the symbols in the tree.
        var_counter: The number of variables encountered so far. This is used to create a unique variable name for each variable.
        const_counter: The number of constants encountered so far. This is used to select the correct constant value from the constant array.

        A list of strings, where each string contains a line of Python code to execute to evaluate the expression represented by the tree.
        The name of the variable that represents the output of the expression.
        The updated value of `var_counter`.
        The updated value of `const_counter`.

        Exception: If the parse tree contains an invalid symbol.

        This function is a helper function for `expr_to_executable_function` and similar and should not be called directly
        unless you want to customize the way the expression is defined. For examples, see the code of `expr_to_executable_function` and `expr_to_error_function` in this module.

    if tree.left is None and tree.right is None:
        if symbol_library.get_type(tree.symbol) in ["var", "lit"]:
            return [], symbol_library.get_np_fn(tree.symbol), var_counter, const_counter
        elif symbol_library.get_type(tree.symbol) == "const":
            return [], symbol_library.get_np_fn(tree.symbol).format(const_counter), var_counter, const_counter + 1
            if is_float(tree.symbol):
                return [], tree.symbol, var_counter, const_counter
                raise Exception(f"Encountered invalid symbol {tree.symbol} while converting to function.")

    elif tree.left is not None and tree.right is None:
        code, symbol, var_counter, const_counter = tree_to_function_rec(tree.left, symbol_library, var_counter, const_counter)
        output_symbol = "y_{}".format(var_counter)
        code.append(symbol_library.get_np_fn(tree.symbol).format(output_symbol, symbol))
        return code, output_symbol, var_counter + 1, const_counter

        left_code, left_symbol, var_counter, const_counter = tree_to_function_rec(tree.left, symbol_library, var_counter, const_counter)
        right_code, right_symbol, var_counter, const_counter = tree_to_function_rec(tree.right, symbol_library, var_counter, const_counter)
        output_symbol = "y_{}".format(var_counter)
        code = left_code + right_code
        code.append(symbol_library.get_np_fn(tree.symbol).format(output_symbol, left_symbol, right_symbol))
        return code, output_symbol, var_counter + 1, const_counter